mass function

Lyman-break Galaxies at z tilde 3 in the Subaru Deep Field: Luminosity Function, Clustering, and [O III] Emission

Emission-line Galaxies from the Hubble Space Telescope Probing Evolution and Reionization Spectroscopically (PEARS) Grism Survey. II. The Complete Sample

The H$α$ Luminosity Function and Star Formation Rate Volume Density at z = 0.8 from the NEWFIRM H$α$ Survey

Lyman Break Galaxies at z ap 1.8-2.8: GALEX/NUV Imaging of the Subaru Deep Field

The Luminosity Function and Star Formation Rate between Redshifts of 0.07 and 1.47 for Narrowband Emitters in the Subaru Deep Field

Ly$α$ Emitters at z = 5.7 in the Subaru Deep Field