Automation of MMT/MMIRS data reduction

Reduction of MMIRS (MMT and Magellan Infrared Spectograph)
spectral data is possible using an existing open-source pipeline called
The pipeline software, developed by Igor Chilingarian (SAO), is published in the PASP Journal. The pipeline's git repository is available here.
One difficulty with using mmirs-pipeline
is the use of “taskfiles” that
describe the observation and the steps for data reduction. These files are
constructed for each pair of dithered spectra. No existing software existed to
create these files. As such, a lot of manual effort on the part of a researcher
was needed.
The Python Tool
As part of a larger Python git repository (MMTtools),
is a Python tool (compatible with 2.7 and 3.xx) that
constructs the necessary task files and IDL script for execution. This code is
made publicly available under an MIT License.
The code is available through PyPI, although cloning from the GitHub repository will give you the latest stable version. Below are the steps for installation and the necessary prerequisite:
This page is still under construction. Stay tuned!